
The Warhammer is a staple IS heavy. It has adequate durability and agility, plenty of hardpoints which are generally torso-mounted for safe-keeping, adequately high mounts, and the chassis boasts a wide variety of builds representing all engagement ranges. Hitboxes are adequate for spreading damage and the arms can shield quite well, so torso twisting is effective.

Variants LA LT CT RT RA HD JJs MASC MaxEng Accel Twist Pitch
WHM-6R1121211 0 FALSE 340 20.0 kph/s 110o @ 81.0o/s 25o
WHM-6D2322 0 FALSE 340 20.0 kph/s 110o @ 81.0o/s 25o
WHM-7S121221 0 FALSE 340 20.0 kph/s 110o @ 81.0o/s 25o
WHM-4L21ECM121 0 FALSE 340 20.0 kph/s 110o @ 81.0o/s 25o
WHM-9D2221 4 FALSE 400 20.0 kph/s 110o @ 81.0o/s 25o
WHM-BWH1212111 0 FALSE 340 20.0 kph/s 110o @ 81.0o/s 25o


The -6R is one of the more potent and flexible mechs on the Innersphere side. Somewhat like a budget-oriented Black Widow, it can run ballistic builds, but lacks hardpoints to boat dakka adequately. Instead, it has more energy flexibility.

Gaussvomit (XL)

Added by Bowser / Last updated: 17 Jan 2019
2x Gauss + 6x ERML (XL280)  

In order to compete with the high-alpha meta, you must run XL on this build. But it is worth it - this is one of the best builds in the game. You are outputting similar or superior firepower to Clan heavies, but with shorter duration lasers. Kill things before they kill you.

Gaussvomit (LE)

Added by Tarogato / Last updated: 29 May 2024
2x Gauss + 4x ERML (LE280)  

Compared to Clan gaussvomit builds, this is slightly less damage, and runs slower. But it is good deal more durable, making it a staple IS build that works for pretty much all situations.


Added by SirEpicPwner / Last updated: 1 Nov 2023
2x AC10 + 3x LPPC (XL300)  

Dakka (UAC10)

Added by Tarogato / Last updated: 17 Dec 2018
2x UAC10 + 4x ML (LE300)  

Optimal firepower for an IS heavy, all tightly and safely packed into torsos with decent mounts, mobility, and durability - what more could you ask for? Before UAC10s were introduced to the game, this build ran UAC5s, but these days you go big or go home.


Added by Tarogato / Last updated: 24 Aug 2021
2x LGauss + 2x ERPPC (LE250)  


Added by Tarogato / Last updated: 24 Aug 2021
2x LGauss + 2x ERPPC (XL280)  


Added by justcallmeASH / Last updated: 12 Oct 2021
2x RAC5 + 2x LPPC (LE295)  


Added by Tarogato / Last updated: 24 Aug 2021
2x RAC5 + 4x ML (LE325)  


Added by Tarogato / Last updated: 24 Aug 2021
1x AC20 + 3x SNPPC (LE280)  


Added by justcallmeASH / Last updated: 29 May 2024
2x UAC10 + 3x LPPC (XL280)  

Brawl (LB40)

Added by JDToker / Last updated: 30 Dec 2018
2x LB20 (STD270)  

As any slow brawler, this is challenging to play. But if you can get it into effective range, the infinitely sustainable 40-damage punch means that it will crush almost anything, even well above its weightclass.

Brawl (LB10s)

Added by Tarogato / Last updated: 29 May 2024
2x LB10 + 5x ML (LE315)  

Respectable DPS and decent speed makes this a very reliable and much more versatile alternative to the LB40 build, but it is simply not as potent.


The WHM-6D is consistently one of the strongest IS energy boats. It is similar to a ground-bound Grasshopper, and can fill a wide variety of roles.

Laservomit (BLC)

Added by justcallmeASH / Last updated: 4 Feb 2024

Laservomit w/LL

Added by Tarogato / Last updated: 23 Aug 2021

Laservomit w/LPL

Added by Tarogato / Last updated: 23 Aug 2021
3x LPL + 6x ERML (XL325)  

Wubvomit (XL)

Added by Bowser / Last updated: 14 Dec 2018
3x LPL + 6x MPL (XL280)  

There is really no point in running XL on energy loadouts unless you do exactly this: Maximum possible pinpoint alpha. It's slow and rather range-limited, but with the quick burn duration it will simply delete things on request.


Added by Bowser / Last updated: 14 Dec 2018
5x ERLL (LE300)  

Being a staple IS chassis, this is an obvious pick if you are looking for an ERLL boat. It may not be the best option outright, but loadout and decent hardpoint locations make it competitive.


This is a WHM-6D with jumpjets instead of extra hardpoints. The jumpjets help with spreading damage, but the limited hardpoints does hurt in terms of laservomit builds. Overall, one of the better IS heavy mechs, and quite flexible.

HPPC poptart

Added by Tarogato / Last updated: 6 May 2022

One of the better HPPC poptarts in the game.

This build can be run more effectively on a GHR-5H due to its additional heat quirk: HPPC poptart However, this Warhammer has much higher velocity on the HPPC's.


Added by Tarogato / Last updated: 6 May 2022
3x LPL + 3x ERML (LE300)  

It's a laservomit Warhammer with jumpjets. Short duration LPLs are handy for quasi-poptarting.

MPL skirmish

Added by Bowser / Last updated: 20 Feb 2021
6x MPL + 1x ERSL (XL390)  

Play this build much like you would a jumping MPL Linebacker, just on the IS side of the tech base. Proactively spreading damage and twisting is a must to avoid getting 'XL-checked'.


Added by Tarogato / Last updated: 17 May 2019
5x ERLL + TC1 (LE300)  

A staple 5ERLL heavy build, on a staple IS heavy chassis, with a jumpjet for good measure. This is an obvious pick for an ERLL boat, even if it may not be the best option outright.

Compared to the WHM-6D, this relies on a slightly lower arm hardpoint, favours right-sided peeking, and has the jumpjet instead of a bigger TC.


Unusual hardpoint placement and count makes this the most difficult variant to use. Some Stealth and ECM builds are possible, but with most of the hardpoints in the low arm mounts, the -4L compromises the Warhammer's normally adequate peeking profile.


Added by SirEpicPwner / Last updated: 1 Jan 2024
3x HPPC + ECM (XL300)  

ECM Laservomit

Added by Tarogato / Last updated: 6 May 2022

If you wish to run laservomit on this variant because it has ECM, you can. But you suffer from mounts which are both lower and wider than similar builds on the -6D, and not enough hardpoints to constitute a substantial alpha. Plus, the arms which are generally effective shields now comprise your primary weapons, so there are a wide variety of reasons why you shouldn't run this build.


Added by SirEpicPwner / Last updated: 6 Dec 2022
5x SNPPC + ECM (XL300)  


The -7S has always been somewhat of an afterthought among Warhammers. You can actually run this as a laser boat in a pinch, but those builds are better suited to the -6D. This variant brings missiles, but with only three hardpoints you don't have many options. MRMs are reasonably viable, but they add large missile pods to the top of the mech, making the side-torsos easy to target and weakening the effectiveness of the mech.


Added by Metachanic / Last updated: 29 May 2024
2x MRM40 (LE300)  

The available hardpoints aren't well-suited to SRMs, so stick to MRM builds on this variant. MRM80 offers a large enough volume of fire that it doesn't need to be supplemented with lasers, so it is simple to play.


Added by Tarogato / Last updated: 18 May 2021
3x MRM20 + 5x ML (XL300)  




The Black Widow hero is one of the strongest Innersphere heavies. It is one of few that can properly boat ballistics, which makes it a must-buy for fans of dakka. Alternatives are the JM6-DD and CTF-4X, which each have pretty glaring disadvantages by comparison.

Brawl (LB40)

Added by JDToker / Last updated: 30 Dec 2018
2x LB20 (STD270)  

Same build as the WHM-6R, only with a C-Bill boost. It's still rather slow, so plan carefully, and proceed to rekt most things in a 1v1.


Added by Tarogato / Last updated: 27 Jan 2019
3x LB10 (STD240)  

This offers a signicant boost in DPS if you can leverage the faster recycle of the LB10s, but you pay the price in speed. This thing crawls, which means it's best used in conjuction with other slow DPS brawlers.

Dakka (UAC10)

Added by Metachanic / Last updated: 1 Feb 2019
1x UAC10 + 2x UAC5 (LE280)  

Self-explanatory - this dakka build works well in most situations. It is well-balanced between alpha, range, and DPS.


Added by justcallmeASH / Last updated: 3 Jan 2024
2x AC10 + 3x LPPC (XL300)  


Added by Tarogato / Last updated: 2 Jan 2022
4x AC2 + 3x LPPC (XL285)  

A predominately midrange build with a burst of PPC, but capable of some extreme range dakka when situations present themselves. Lay off the PPCs when you reach heat cap and play this as a high DPS midrange mech.


Added by SirEpicPwner / Last updated: 11 Mar 2023
4x AC5 + 1x LPPC (LE250)  


Added by SirEpicPwner / Last updated: 27 Mar 2024
2x HPPC + 4x LAC5 (XL255)  


Added by Tarogato / Last updated: 24 Aug 2021
2x LGauss + 2x ERPPC (LE250)  


Added by Tarogato / Last updated: 24 Aug 2021
2x LGauss + 2x ERPPC (XL280)  


Added by Tarogato / Last updated: 24 Aug 2021
3x RAC2 + 2x LPPC (LE280)  


Added by Tarogato / Last updated: 24 Aug 2021
1x AC20 + 3x SNPPC (LE280)  

Quick info:
InnerSphere heavy
70-ton battlemech
Avg Engine 290 (67.1kph)

A-tierx 1
Solaris7 coming soon
Public Vote coming soon

WHM-9DHPPC poptart
WHM-9DMPL skirmish
WHM-BWDakka (UAC10)