Hunchback IIC

The Hunchback IIC is the Clan medium with the highest quantity of high-mounted weapon hardpoints. The superb peeking profile has ensured that this is a meta favourite ever since its introduction. The strongest variants have required significant agility nerfs to bring them down to par, and as such this chassis isn't used as frequently as it used to be, but its advantages are far from nullified.

Somewhat large and boxy hitboxes means this mech can be rather squishy and doesn't do well when caught out in the open. Position yourself so as to best abuse the high mount locations and tight peeking profile - find strong static positions early and capitalise on them, but don't get caught out by failing to relocate when necessary, as this chassis isn't particularly apt at defending itself when it is alone.

Variants LA LT CT RT RA HD JJs MASC MaxEng Accel Twist Pitch
HBK-IIC222 4 FALSE 275 20.0 kph/s 95o @ 81.0o/s 25o
HBK-IIC-A323 4 FALSE 275 20.0 kph/s 80o @ 81.0o/s 20o
HBK-IIC-B222 4 FALSE 275 20.0 kph/s 115o @ 81.0o/s 25o
HBK-IIC-C11211 4 FALSE 275 20.0 kph/s 115o @ 81.0o/s 25o
HBK-IIC-DWH2112 0 FALSE 275 20.0 kph/s 115o @ 81.0o/s 25o


Four ballistics, all high-mounted, allows you to run any dakka combination you'd like on a 50-tonner. Even the energy mounts aren't low, and safely tucked away in the CT. The sheer competitiveness of these hardpoints is balanced somewhat by the lower baseline agility.

Dakka (UAC2)

Added by Metachanic / Last updated: 29 May 2024
4x cUAC2 (cXL235)  

While you can run any dakka combination you like, this is the most worthwhile. Truly effective at extreme ranges, but very viable at medium ranges as well. Requires constant facetime, which can be offset by proper positioning and high-mount abuse.

Dual Gauss

Added by Metachanic / Last updated: 21 Feb 2019

High-mounted dual gauss with perfect convergence - what more could you ask for?

Durability, perhaps. This is an extremely fragile build, and for that reason not highly recommended. While it may be heat-neutral, the DPS is actually somewhat low and requires frequent exposure to deal good damage throughout a match. With such large and fragile side torsos, exposing often isn't the best of ideas. Don't try sniping at long range with this build - the damage output is just not there, and if you get caught out of position, you die quickly.


Added by SirEpicPwner / Last updated: 12 Sep 2023
2x cHAG30 (cXL195)  


Added by Metachanic / Last updated: 11 Mar 2023
2x cLB20 (cXL225)  

While the Hunchback IIC isn't a particularly apt brawler due to its hitboxes, LB40 is a decent combo of alpha and cold DPS for a medium mech if you can avoid being the center of attention.


Added by justcallmeASH / Last updated: 11 Jan 2025
PAC8 (cXL225)  


Added by Metachanic / Last updated: 22 Oct 2021
2x cUAC20 (cXL200)  

Thanks to a ghost heat quirk, this stock loadout is a thing. Despite Clan UAC20s one of the weaker weapons in the game, spreading their damage over the course of the long volleys and having extremely punishing jams... this build is still considered a top performer simply because it can double-tap 80 damage. However, against faster moving medium and light mechs, LB40 would be more effective loadout.


Plenty of energy hardpoints, with possibly the best mount locations in the game. You can run any energy loadout on this mech, and it will work. The sheer strength of these hardpoints is offset by the lowest baseline agility stats out of all the Hunchbacks, which means that while you can poke effectively with any loadout, relocating and shooting on the move can be a pain in the ass.

Remember the CT hardpoints are lower than all of the others, and so require more exposure. It's a good idea to have an extra weapon group dedicated to just your side torso high mounts for when you want to ridge-peek, it can be good for when you are heat-capped and want to eek out sustained DPS without exposing more of your mech.

Laservomit w/HLL

Added by Metachanic / Last updated: 17 Jan 2023

Higher alpha, higher burst, higher sustain, with range synergy. The downsides are the longer burn duration of the HLL, and more of your heatsinks are somewhat vulnerable in the arm.

Laservomit w/LPL

Added by Metachanic / Last updated: 26 Aug 2021
2x cLPL + 6x cERML (cXL275)  

A large alpha with the short duration of LPL and everything contained in the torsos.


Added by Metachanic / Last updated: 19 Dec 2018
8x cMPL (cXL275)  

While 6x cMPL is a reasonable loadout, it feels underpowered when you can simply run more. This build can comfortably alpha all eight when at heat floor, but with a ~40% increased heat output due to the penalty, fire in pairs of 6+2 to deal sustained DPS, which is what you should be doing if you are playing this build correctly.

LPL boat

Added by Tarogato / Last updated: 3 Jun 2024
3x cLPL (cXL265)  

A somewhat long range DPS option. All three LPL can be fired rather frequently - the heat penalty is not so bad.

Poptart (backups)

Added by Tarogato / Last updated: 13 Mar 2022
2x cERPPC + 6x cSPL (cXL255)  

A 2ERPPC poptart is a vulnerable machine, just asking to get ganked by lights. Adding a clutch of lasers sacrifices quality of the main weapon (heatsinks or TC velocity) to add some anti-gank deterrent. This is situational at best, particularly for area control strats in competitive play. Or you can use it by playing aggressively at shorter ranges... where a non-ERPPC build would be better anyways.

Triple PPC

Added by Tarogato / Last updated: 24 Dec 2020
3x cERPPC (cXL235)  

Compared to a Vapour Eagle, this sacrifices heatsinks, mobility, and durability to get the highest mounts in the game. This makes it theoretically one of the best possible traders, but all the disadvantages stack up to make it substantially inferior to the Vapour Eagle on the whole. It is still a very good mech in its own right.

Poptart (TC)

Added by Tarogato / Last updated: 24 Feb 2019
2x cERPPC + TC4 (cXL275)  

Large TC ideal for organised ranged strats - the extra velocity helps you hit at extreme ranges. The extremely high mounts and short exposure time of PPFLD makes this one of the stronger extreme range traders in the game.

ERLL w/backups

Added by Gadolinium64 / Last updated: 3 Jun 2024


This missile variant lacks in hardpoints compared to most other clan missile mediums, so is somewhat limited it what it can do. The hitboxes make it somehwhat unsuitable for SRM brawling, and it doesn't have the hardpoints to run Streaks effectively, so LRMs and ATMs are the best options by process of elimination.

ATM boat

Added by Metachanic / Last updated: 7 May 2019

High torso mounts and jumpjets makes this a decent ATM platform. However, it's rather fragile and can't fit any backup weapons. 4x ATM6, even 4x ATM9 is also possible - you have some degree of freedom in exactly how you build it. Either way, there are better ATM mechs, so this one gets left in the dust.


Added by justcallmeASH / Last updated: 2 Jul 2024
4x cSRM6a + 1x cPC (cXL275)  

LRM boat

Added by Metachanic / Last updated: 7 Mar 2019

To be honest, do whatever you want. Do LRM20s, do LRM15s with artemis... ammo, heatsinks and jumpjets to taste. Nobody really cares because nobody plays this mech. There are just better missile platforms to choose from and this one is simply adequate and boring.

SRM brawl

Added by Tarogato / Last updated: 21 Feb 2019
4x cSRM6a + 2x cMPL (cXL275)  

Somewhat fragile, with unexceptional damage output, but overall tenable.


Only having two ballistics, and energy stuck in the arms, limits what this variant can run effectively. It does have higher baseline agility than the HBK-IIC-1, which is about its only redeeming feature.

Dual Gauss

Added by Metachanic / Last updated: 21 Feb 2019

High-mounted dual gauss with perfect convergence - what more could you ask for?

Durability, perhaps. This is an extremely fragile build, and for that reason not highly recommended. While it may be heat-neutral, the DPS is actually somewhat low and requires frequent exposure to deal good damage throughout a match. With such large and fragile side torsos, exposing often isn't the best of ideas. Don't try sniping at long range with this build - the damage output is just not there, and if you get caught out of position, you die quickly.


Added by SirEpicPwner / Last updated: 12 Sep 2023
2x cHAG30 (cXL195)  


Added by Metachanic / Last updated: 3 Jul 2024
2x cLB20 (cXL225)  

While the Hunchback IIC isn't a particularly apt brawler due to its hitboxes, LB40 is a decent combo of alpha and cold DPS for a medium mech if you can avoid being the center of attention.


The Deathwish gives up all the advantages of being a Hunchback IIC. It relies heavily upon relatively low arm-mounted weapons, which are somewhat fragile despite their small size. The hardpoints leave a lot to be desired, and this variant doesn't even have jumpjets. It does offer a couple unique builds, but they aren't really worth playing.


Added by Metachanic / Last updated: 21 Feb 2019

This build relies on, and is thus completely ruined by the low arm mounts, which require you to expose the entire torso to deal reasonable damage. Possibly the worst Hunchback IIC build on this list, only included here because this Hero can't do much other than this.

LB20 Wubs

Added by Metachanic / Last updated: 21 Feb 2019
1x cLB20 + 5x cMPL (cXL255)  

Higher alpha, better pinpoint, and greater burst than the LB40 builds, and arguably better hitboxes too. But the severe lack of sustain and jumpjets makes this a truly sub-par choice.


Added by justcallmeASH / Last updated: 8 Jun 2024
1x cLB20 + 5x cHML (cXL235)  

Quick info:
Hunchback IIC
Clan medium
50-ton battlemech
Avg Engine 245 (79.4kph)

Solaris7 coming soon
Public Vote coming soon

HBK-IIC-ALaservomit w/HLL
HBK-IIC-APoptart (backups)