Marauder IIC

A classic energy boating Clan assault sprinkled with variants inspired by the original IS Marauder chassis. This chassis possesses a great forward-facing profile for spreading damage, but is very vulnerable from the sides. Don't torso twist too much in this mech, you'll want to do the wiggle to spread damage instead, but the mech can shield very effectively when necessary.

Variants LA LT CT RT RA HD JJs MASC MaxEng Accel Twist Pitch
MAD-IIC22212 0 FALSE 400 10.8 kph/s 70o @ 63.0o/s 20o
MAD-IIC-8221111 0 FALSE 400 13.1 kph/s 70o @ 67.5o/s 20o
MAD-IIC-A232 0 FALSE 400 10.8 kph/s 70o @ 63.0o/s 20o
MAD-IIC-B2212 4 FALSE 400 10.8 kph/s 70o @ 63.0o/s 20o
MAD-IIC-C322 4 FALSE 400 10.8 kph/s 70o @ 63.0o/s 20o
MAD-IIC-D11ECM1111 0 FALSE 340 10.8 kph/s 70o @ 63.0o/s 20o
MAD-IIC-2322 4 FALSE 400 10.8 kph/s 70o @ 63.0o/s 20o
MAD-IIC-SCH112211 0 FALSE 400 10.8 kph/s 70o @ 63.0o/s 20o
MAD-IIC-DNH1122111 0 FALSE 400 10.8 kph/s 70o @ 63.0o/s 20o


Nine energy with tight mount locations across the mech allows for almost all energy builds to work on this variant. This would be the variant to buy if you had to choose only one.

Laservomit (burst)

Added by Tarogato / Last updated: 19 Jan 2023

Unlike previous builds this can't alpha straight through ghost heat without cooking itself, so you must split fire by delaying your second pair of LPLs. This build continues the trend of adding more gun for maximum damage output.

Laservomit (fast)

Added by denAirwalkerrr / Last updated: 24 Dec 2020
2x cLPL + 6x cERML (cXL380)  

Classic clan vomit goodness. Fast engine, near the max possible heatsinks, just go forth and delete things.

Laservomit (STD)

Added by Bowser / Last updated: 24 Dec 2020
2x cERLL + 6x cERML (STD330)  

You can afford to fit a standard engine while maintaining an obscene number of heatsinks. You lose a little bit of speed, but you will lose both STs before dying fairly often and being able to zombie with 2ERLL isn't too bad. Played right, this is one of the tankiest mechs in the game - use dead STs to absorb damage.

Laservomit (Alpha)

Added by SirEpicPwner / Last updated: 28 Apr 2022
3x cLPL + 6x cERML (cXL365)  

Modern high-alpha clan lasvom. Breaks LPL HSL, but you can easily eat the ghost heat. Poke, alpha, hide and cool, repeat. Delete things even harder.


Added by denAirwalkerrr / Last updated: 29 May 2024
9x cMPL + cTC1 (cXL380)  

Needing to stagger-fire 6+3 really negates the short-duration advantage of medium pulses, but it's completely worth it for the faster cooldown giving you mega burst potential.


Added by Gadolinium64 / Last updated: 23 Jul 2024


Added by denAirwalkerrr / Last updated: 4 Feb 2019
4x cERPPC (cXL350)  

Better mounts and hitboxes than the quad-PPC Warhawk, but the lack of quirks makes this build inferior on the whole.


Added by denAirwalkerrr / Last updated: 4 Feb 2019
5x cERLL + TC7 (cXL350)  

Niche ERLL boat for FP or competitive play. All torso mounts and plenty of tonnage for a large TC makes this a strong option.


An all-energy variant lacking in hardpoint quantity and with lacklustre locations makes this one of the weaker variants, but the addition of jumpjets makes it almost worthwhile.


Added by Tarogato / Last updated: 16 Mar 2023
5x cHLL + 2x cERML (cXL350)  

You have to split-fire with 3HLL+2ERML first, but the sheer amount of damage output makes this very powerful.


Added by justcallmeASH / Last updated: 11 Oct 2021


Another all-energy variant lacking in hardpoint quantity makes this one of the weaker variants. It has higher base agility compared to the other variants, and better locations compared to the IIC-2, but none of this makes up for its lacklustre loadouts.


Added by Tarogato / Last updated: 19 Jan 2023
5x cLPL + cTC1 (cXL360)  

This is an alternative to the WHK-C build. Compared to the Warhawk this has less quirks, but better peeking profile and gets to strip the arm for extra tonnage.


Added by denAirwalkerrr / Last updated: 24 May 2019

Missing one laser compared to the original MAD-IIC, but with better agility instead. This tradeoff is simply not worth it.


Added by denAirwalkerrr / Last updated: 24 May 2019
2x cLPL + 5x cMPL (cXL385)  

Same build as the MAD-IIC-2, but with better agility instead of jumpjets. Not a good tradeoff.


A dakka variant capable of mounting heavy-hitting loadouts combined with very good convergence. This variant can dead-side and shield, but being all right-sided can sometimes be a huge detriment and require a very considerate playstyle to avoid getting neutered.

Dakka+PPC (DPS)

Added by denAirwalkerrr / Last updated: 29 May 2024

This is just a really solid dead-sided dakka build with a PPC boosting the alpha. Remember to protect your right-torso.

Dakka+PPC (alpha)

Added by denAirwalkerrr / Last updated: 30 Dec 2018

Higher alpha than the previous build, but weaker sustained DPS. Remember to protect your right-torso.


Two missile hardpoints isn't really enough to justify running missile loadouts, and five energy is lacking for pure energy loadouts. This doesn't leave you with many reasonable build options, and makes this one of the weakest variants.

ATM wubs

Added by denAirwalkerrr / Last updated: 30 Dec 2018
2x cATM12 + 5x cMPL (cXL375)  

Inferior to a proper ATM boat like the Scorch, but peek actively at ATM optimal range and this build will do quite well.


Added by denAirwalkerrr / Last updated: 16 Oct 2022

Inferior to a proper LRM boat, but poke actively using the lasers and it will do okay.


This is pretty much a MAD-IIC-A which sacrifices one ballistic hardpoint to have jumpjets and an extra energy. It's really not worth it.


Added by denAirwalkerrr / Last updated: 4 Feb 2019
2x cLB10 + 5x cMPL (cXL330)  

Superior burst and DPS to the 9x cMPL build, but being slower and lacking synergy holds it back.

Dakka+PPC (JJs)

Added by denAirwalkerrr / Last updated: 19 Jan 2019

Near identical to the similar build on the IIC-A, but this time with JJs.


An extreme limitation on hardpoints forces this variant into an extremely limited range of loadouts. ECM is a notable addition, but does not add any much-needed versatility. Do not try UAC20s, because the WHK is better. Do not try UAC10s, because resulting builds are underwhelming. Gauss is basically your only viable option.


Added by denAirwalkerrr / Last updated: 19 Jan 2019

Essentially one of the only builds that is possible on this variant due to the brutally awful hardpoints. However, it's actually not a terrible build - it's a dedicated DPS sniper. Remember Cool Run and Heat Gen isn't very important in the Skill Tree this time around. You can even stack more ammo if you use this in FP.


Added by Bowser / Last updated: 19 Jan 2019

Same as above, but replaces TC with SRMs so that this mech can eventually push at the end of a match. Also generally more effective in QP.


Added by SirEpicPwner / Last updated: 19 Oct 2023


An exceptionally versatile hero which can run a wide variety of builds all of which are quite competitive.

ATM boat

Added by denAirwalkerrr / Last updated: 30 Dec 2018
4x cATM12 + 1x cTAG (cXL345)  

One of the best ATM48 boats in game due to agility and high mounts. Lacking secondary weapons is a notable vulnerability, though.


Added by denAirwalkerrr / Last updated: 30 Dec 2018

One of the harder hitting brawlers in the game, highly optimised. Though, it's a bit slow, sometimes hot, and the hitboxes can be problematic when you get outflanked in a brawl. Delete things before they delete you.

Brawl (Fast)

Added by SirEpicPwner / Last updated: 10 Oct 2023


Added by denAirwalkerrr / Last updated: 6 Feb 2019

Yet another variant which runs this same loadout. But this time with somewhat low arm mounts, and a C-Bill boost.

LRM boat

Added by denAirwalkerrr / Last updated: 30 Dec 2018

Regrettably one of the better LRM boats in the game, well-suited to direct fire. Lacking secondary weapons is a notable vulnerability, though.



Quad AC10 (1xERPPC)

Added by Tarogato / Last updated: 11 Jun 2024

Standard build for SR-1, KDK-3, and the like, good midrange DPS

AC20/10 Dakka

Added by Tarogato / Last updated: 12 Jun 2024

Bigger alpha at the expense of shorter range.

AC5 Plasma

Added by Gadolinium64 / Last updated: 10 Jul 2024
4x cAC5 + 3x PC (cXL295)  

GaussERLL (XL)

Added by Tarogato / Last updated: 12 Jun 2024

This build has 4ERLL, putting it on par with the popular Dire Wolf range build. It's best not to shield too aggressively because the XL heat penalty itself is severe, but it's better than losing most of your weapons. Strive to spread damage mostly evenly while guiding more to the left side, rather than treating this as a deadside build.

Quad AC10 (2xPlasma)

Added by Gadolinium64 / Last updated: 10 Jul 2024
4x cAC10 + 2x PC (cXL280)  


Added by Gadolinium64 / Last updated: 11 Jun 2024


Added by Tarogato / Last updated: 26 Apr 2023

This version has a tighter peek profile so you can afford to shoot more frequently. It also has a STD engine which allows you to lose the left torso without a massive heat penalty. The 3ERLL are cool enough that you can generally alpha all of them and only split fire when you need pure sustain.

The downside to this build is how fragile the right torso is with two easily crit gauss in one place.

Quick info:
Marauder IIC
Clan assault
85-ton battlemech
Avg Engine 340 (64.8kph)

S-tierx 2A-tierx 2
Solaris7 coming soon
Public Vote coming soon

MAD-IICLaservomit (fast)
MAD-IICLaservomit (STD)
MAD-IICLaservomit (burst)