
The Annihilator is the toughest IS assault, and carries the most firepower. Its only detriments are its slow speed and tall profile, which means it must commit fully to each and every engagement it takes.

When you are in an Annihilator, remember you are anything but subtle - choose your engagements wisely because you will be the center of the enemies' attention and going back into cover after exposing yourself isn't really an option - this mech is not for the faint of heart. While this chassis is capable of trading up on kills even when outnumbered, it requires the pilot to be confident and not panic.

While mechs like the Atlas might have more raw armour than an Annihilator, the Annihilator's strength is its hitboxes - while it is capable of shielding very effectively when it needs to, it is also very good at spreading damage with small torso wiggles. When in doubt, the best defense is a good offense - focus on killing everything in front of you before worrying about silly things like torso twisting.

Variants LA LT CT RT RA HD JJs MASC MaxEng Accel Twist Pitch
ANH-2A1122211 0 FALSE 300 8.5 kph/s 90o @ 58.5o/s 20o
ANH-1A1122112 0 FALSE 300 8.5 kph/s 90o @ 58.5o/s 20o
ANH-1E323 0 FALSE 300 8.5 kph/s 90o @ 58.5o/s 20o
ANH-1X12121121 0 FALSE 300 8.5 kph/s 90o @ 58.5o/s 20o
ANH-1P22222 0 FALSE 300 8.5 kph/s 90o @ 58.5o/s 20o
ANH-MBH221221 0 FALSE 300 8.5 kph/s 90o @ 58.5o/s 20o
ANH-SC(LGD)H322231 0 FALSE 325 8.5 kph/s 90o @ 58.5o/s 20o
ANH-SC(LGD)H322231 0 FALSE 325 8.5 kph/s 90o @ 58.5o/s 20o



Added by justcallmeASH / Last updated: 10 Oct 2023

ERPPC w/Backups

Added by SirEpicPwner / Last updated: 2 Aug 2023


Added by SirEpicPwner / Last updated: 2 Aug 2023
4x LL + 9x ERML (LE300)  


Added by SirEpicPwner / Last updated: 2 Aug 2023


With an awkward mixture and placement of ballistic and energy hardpoints, the -1A is probably the least unique variant. It can do some builds similar to the -1X and -2A, but with stronger durability quirks, so it still remains a strong pick.


Added by Tarogato / Last updated: 11 Feb 2022
3x AC10 + 3x LPPC (STD300)  

This is essentially an improvement over the stock 4AC10 build. Light PPCs play similar to AC10s, but cost way less tonnage, so you can get a somewhat large and fast repeating pinpoint alpha without any sacrifices.


Added by Tarogato / Last updated: 11 Feb 2022
5x AC5 + 3x LPPC (STD280)  

This is a lot of guns. The alpha isn't much to write home about, but this a high DPS build. Slow engine means you need to be smarter than normal about deciding where to position and when to expose.

Dakka (UAC10)

Added by denAirwalkerrr / Last updated: 29 May 2024
2x UAC10 + 2x UAC5 (STD300)  

Basic, reliable dakka build that trades the -2A's good mounts for slightly better durability. The sole arm-mounted gun can kill a UAV in a pinch, but really the ANH-2A is just superior at this build.

Dakka (UAC5)

Added by Metachanic / Last updated: 10 Jan 2019
5x UAC5 (STD280)  

A decent blend of durability, range, and DPS. This has the advantage of slightly more armour than the ANH-2A, but suffers in the convergence department and wastes tonnage by armouring up an extra weapon arm.

5x UAC5s do have a ghost heat penalty, but it's so small that you can ignore it pretty much always.


An all-energy 100-tonner with a low engine cap, which makes it difficult to use the hardpoints while balancing tonnage, slots, and damage output. This is the weakest variant, as the Annihilator with its abysmal agility is a bad chassis for peeking and energy loadouts typically rely on peeking from cover rather than sustained eye contact.


Added by Tarogato / Last updated: 10 Feb 2019
3x LPL + 5x ERML (STD300)  

While this build is possible to do, actually playing it is not the best idea. Laservomit favours a playstyle where you poke from cover, and the Annihilator is too slow and large of a mech to poke and reverse to cover effectively. While the heat efficiency and pinpoint are rather good qualities, the low alpha and DPS simply aren't enough to justify running this build. It is best to run dakka for your mid-range applications.

It is notable that this is currently the most min-maxed configuration of this build.
- Switching to LE + LFerro is less efficient on tonnage and requires more armour shaving: Laservomit (SHS)(LE)
- Maximum DHS offers similar sustained DPS, but markedly lower heatcap: Laservomit (DHS)(STD)

You can also run standard MLs instead of ERMLs for better sustain - Laservomit (MLs) - but at this point is is better to run wubs instead.

Laservomit (ERLL)

Added by Tarogato / Last updated: 23 May 2019
3x ERLL + 5x ERML (LE280)  

Better sustain, better range, but loses the zappy quality of the LPLs.


Added by Jay Z / Last updated: 10 Feb 2019
2x LPL + 6x MPL (LE285)  

Wubs offers pinpoint hitscan DPS if you want something more accurate and concentrated than dakka, and without the jams. The DPS and burst output is somewhat similar to dakka, but the short range is extremely limiting.

With a STD300 and DHS, you can fit 3LPL for a little more alpha and range with comparable DPS, but obviously the burst suffers due to the lower heatcap. It's best to stick with SHS here so that you can burst down whatever is in front of you immediately.


Added by denAirwalkerrr / Last updated: 31 Dec 2018
4x HPPC + 4x ML (LE300)  

This is a borderline meme-build, but the variant doesn't really have much to offer otherwise. The mounts are poor, and the heat is rough. The only thing on offer here is respectable pinpoint damage, and that doesn't make it worth playing.

LPL boat

Added by Lizzee / Last updated: 25 Apr 2019
6x LPL + 1x TC1 (STD300)  

This build, like any other ANH-1E build isn't particularly strong, being held back by the mech's low-slung arms housing all the weapons. Still, it has a respectable output of 60 damage with an insanely short laser duration and decent range, which allows you to melt enemies before they can even react and makes the build fairly easy to play. Just remember to split the lasers in groups of 3 so you don't trigger the ghost heat!


Added by Scout Derek / Last updated: 29 Jun 2022
7x SNPPC (STD300)  


This variant lacks actuators, which means you can fit AC20s or UAC5s in the arms, but obviously without any actuation so the purpose is defeated. The tight cluster of relatively high-mounted energy hardpoints on the torso makes this a good variant for some energy builds.


Added by Krasnopesky / Last updated: 27 Feb 2021
5x ERLL + TC1 (STD300)  

The cluster of high torso energy makes this an ideal platform for ERLL. This build can drill most other mechs in the game at longer ranges. Single heatsinks are required to get peak cooling, and the capacity they offer affords you the ability to comfortably alpha all five lasers at once, despite their ghost heat penalty.


Added by Krasnopesky / Last updated: 5 Mar 2023
5x ERLL + TC8 (STD300)  

If you want even more range to drill even more things, you can sacrifice as many heatsinks as you like to fit a TC. This version is better suited to competitive matches where stand-offs are expected and winning individual trades is preferred over sustained heat efficiency.


Added by denAirwalkerrr / Last updated: 31 Dec 2018
Gauss + 5x ERLL (STD300)  

A higher burst alternative for extreme range stand-off trading. Mounting a gauss requires use of an arm, so ridge-peeking is impaired compared to the laser-only builds. Stick to terrain features that favour the gauss side of the mech, or better yet - build the mech to suit the terrain features where you wish to play it.


Added by denAirwalkerrr / Last updated: 31 Dec 2018
2x Gauss + 3x ERLL (LE300)  

Dual gauss sacrifices some TC, but you gain higher burst, and the ability to alpha without penalty more times before heat cap. The peeking profile is compromised by having gauss rifles in both arms, so full exposure is required to make clean trades.


Added by Krasnopesky / Last updated: 1 Nov 2023
2x BLC + 3x LPL (STD300)  


Added by Tarogato / Last updated: 10 Feb 2019

Gaussvomit offers more firepower than the -1E's mid-range laservomit, at the expense of a some fragility in the arms. Similar to mid-range laser builds, this is really not well suited to the Annihilator. Gaussvomit favours a playstyle where you poke from cover, and the Annihilator is too slow and large of a mech to poke and reverse to cover effectively, so it is best to run dakka for your mid-range applications.

Gaussvomit (BLC)

Added by SirEpicPwner / Last updated: 20 Jan 2024


Added by Gadolinium64 / Last updated: 20 May 2024


Added by Gadolinium64 / Last updated: 20 May 2024


Added by SirEpicPwner / Last updated: 7 Mar 2023
5x LPL + TC1 (LE300)  


A plethora of energy hardpoints and adequate ballistics ensures that this variant is flexible, and it runs a couple of the strongest builds available on the chassis.


Added by Gadolinium64 / Last updated: 9 Jul 2024


Added by SirEpicPwner / Last updated: 20 Jan 2024

Gaussvomit (BLC)

Added by SirEpicPwner / Last updated: 12 Sep 2023

HGauss Wubs

Added by denAirwalkerrr / Last updated: 13 Aug 2023
2x HGauss + 7x MPL (STD285)  

Massive pinpoint damage, both weapons share an optimal range, and the lasers are short duration as well. Advance slowly, delete things with precision, and proceed. The only weakness is its average sustained DPS and slightly vulnerable side torsos. Face front to enemy - twisting too much will expose those HGauss to crits.

LB10 brawl

Added by Jay Z / Last updated: 7 Mar 2019
4x LB10 + 4x ML (STD275)  

This variant currently has a 10% cooldown quirk, which makes LB10s menacing. However, the the low and wide-slung arms make it surprisingly difficult to avoid clipping obstacles, so the ANH-2A is generally preferred.

Don't set yourself up to fire or poke at range, this build performs best with the throttle jammed at 100% boring holes through enemies.

LB10 brawl (DPS)

Added by denAirwalkerrr / Last updated: 9 Jul 2024
4x LB10 + 7x SL (LE300)  

Classic DPS brawler. 10% cooldown quirk for the LB10s, making it better at obliterating slower things, with small lasers for extra DPS/precision. Don't set yourself up to fire or poke at range, this build performs best with the throttle jammed at 100%.


This variant has the most ballistic hardpoints, which allows it to run unique loadouts and configuations. While the 2A is the least durable variant, it is one of the most preferred because it offers four ballistics in the torsos for strong convergence, high mounts, and often some arm-stripping.

Dakka (UAC10/5)

Added by denAirwalkerrr / Last updated: 23 Jul 2024
2x UAC10 + 2x UAC5 (STD300)  

A dakka build focusing on high double-tap alpha is good if you prefer dumping a few alphas and twisting instead of constant staring. Convergence is also strong due to not relying on arm mounts like other builds do. Generally not as flexible and effective as other dakka builds, but it is still worth playing.


Added by Bowser / Last updated: 27 Feb 2021
6x AC2 + 1x ERPPC (LE300)  

Probably the best long range Annihilator build out there. It's able to sit at very long ranges and plink away with high DPS on 6 AC2's with the ERPPC being able to provide strong supplementary DPS and alpha out past the range of even the AC/2's. Plenty of ammo assures you will almost never run out.

Dakka (AC2)

Added by denAirwalkerrr / Last updated: 5 Feb 2019
6x AC2 + 4x ERML (LE300)  

For extreme range DPS, this is more accurate than running RACs, and runs cooler. The saved tonnage affords you some secondary lasers for extra punch at medium range when you can afford the heat.

Dakka (AC5)

Added by Metachanic / Last updated: 10 Jan 2019
6x AC5 (LE300)  

30-PPFLD with a reasonably quick rate of fire, and cooler DPS than UAC builds. Light on ammo, so aim carefully and don't spam mindlessly. The ghost heat penalty can generally be ignored.

Dakka (UAC5)

Added by Tarogato / Last updated: 24 Feb 2019
5x UAC5 (STD300)  

A decent blend of durability, range, and DPS. This gets to strip an arm for extra tonnage, and offers better convengence than the ANH-1A, making it the superior choice.

5x UAC5s do have a ghost heat penalty, but it's so small that you can ignore it pretty much always.

LB10 brawl (MLs)

Added by Tarogato / Last updated: 11 Mar 2019
4x LB10 + 4x ML (STD285)  

Tight convergence on this variant means you will obliterate things no matter how fast they move around. Don't set yourself up to fire or poke at range, this build performs best with the throttle jammed at 100% boring holes through enemies.

If you don't like dealing with the medium laser burn duration, you can run a snub-nose instead, but you'll output less damage: LB10 brawl (SNPPC) Competitive players may prefer this because you don't have to deal with the low arm mounts.

You can currently get a 10% cooldown quirk on the ANH-1X instead, at the expense of having lousy arm mounts.


Added by SirEpicPwner / Last updated: 2 Apr 2023
2x RAC5 + 4x AC2 (STD285)  


A very limited mixture of missile and energy hardpoints ensures poor variety and mediocre performance on a sluggish 100-tonner. You are basically limited to toasty MRM and LRM builds.

MRM Brawl

Added by Gadolinium64 / Last updated: 9 Jul 2024
4x MRM30 + 6x SL (STD300)  


Added by Tarogato / Last updated: 24 Feb 2019
4x MRM30 (LE295)  

One of the only build options available on this variant. This is not a very effective build, as MRMs typically rely on speed and agility to perform at their best. On a slow assault like the Annihilator, you simply cannot get into the close range needed to mitigate the spread of MRMs, so all your shots will have maximum spread unless the enemy comes to you. Furthermore, this build runs pretty hot, so it is not very good at defending itself in close quarters. Extensive armour shaving is also required to fit enough heatsinks to make this build workable.

SRM wub brawl

Added by Tarogato / Last updated: 3 Jun 2024

Just because you can, doesn't necessarily mean you should.

While other 100-tonners can SRM brawl, they have much higher engine ratings. The Annihilator is a slowboii, so getting into SRM and MPL range is almost as much about the enemy coming to you as it is about you closing in on the enemy. That said, this build can annihilate things, but you'll have better luck running a ballistic build like LB10s or HGauss if you want some close range goodness.

This build is one of the strongest choices for division 2 Solaris.


Added by denAirwalkerrr / Last updated: 29 May 2024

One of the only build options available on this variant. Not recommended; you will get laughed at if you put LRMs on an Annihilator.

XL is used and Artemis is skipped because this is intended as an indirect fire massive DPS platform. Don't allow the enemy to see you, because you are slow, fragile, and defenseless. There is room enough for secondary lasers, which allows you to deal a little extra damage before dying, but they won't protect you or discourage anybody who wants you dead.

Quick info:
InnerSphere assault
100-ton battlemech
Avg Engine 295 (47.8kph)

Solaris7 coming soon
Public Vote coming soon

ANH-1XLB10 brawl (DPS)
ANH-2ADakka (UAC10/5)
ANH-2ADakka (UAC5)